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- Sabine Newsletter 3/29/2023
Sabine Newsletter 3/29/2023
Water On The Moon and Can You Spot Liars?
A New Source of Water On The Moon
A group of Chinese researchers studied the samples brought back from the moon by the Chang'e-5 mission and found that beads of glass produced by impacts on the surface contain water – it could be as much as 300 billion tons. Good news for our moon base!Press release here. Paper here.
Check out my newest episode of science news here. Today we’ll talk a new explanation for the interstellar object Oumuamua, what’s up with the W-boson anomaly, two new institutes founded by NASA, an airplane powered by hydrogen, a gigapixel 3D microscope, vaccinations without the needles, concrete that talks, nano-labels, and of course the telephone will ring.
Trouble at Fermilab Not Over
In 2021, the U.S. Department of Energy evaluated the performance of Fermilab and found it to be unsatisfactory in several areas, including the management of their science and technology program. The major problem is that Fermilab currently builds a neutrino experiment – DUNE that is becoming more costly by the day.DUNE’s major purpose is to quantify the amount of CP violation in the early universe, a number that is often claimed to “explain” why there is more matter than antimatter in the universe. Alas, it would explain nothing of the sort, as CP violation is only a contributor to something which doesn’t need explaining in the first place. The DOE is now looking for a new contractor to run the lab, but the damage has already been done. More details here.
How To Tell If Someone Is Lying
They sweating? They fidget? They avoid eye contact? Forget all that. A new study from the University of Amsterdam’s Lie Lab has found that the most reliable way to tell whether someone is lying is the amount of detail in their story. If that doesn’t impress you, the authors have summarized their findings in a cartoon that sets completely new standards for science communication. Press release here, Paper here.
In this week’s video we look at the circumstances under which a collection of people can come to intelligent decisions, and identify the factors that lead to collective stupidity.
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