Sabine Newsletter 4/5/2023

Seeing Inside Nuclei and Volcanoes on Venus


Using Entanglement to See Inside Nuclei

Researchers at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory in the U.S. have successfully tested a new way of peeking into atomic nuclei. Rather than trying to figure out directly what goes on, they measure photons that have become entangled with gluons in the nuclei. This method might help us better understand how nuclei hold together and develop behaviors and properties such as spin or magnetic moments. Press release here. Paper here.

Check out my newest episode of science news here. Today we’ll talk a new explanation for the interstellar object Oumuamua, what’s up with the W-boson anomaly, two new institutes founded by NASA, an airplane powered by hydrogen, a gigapixel 3D microscope, vaccinations without the needles, concrete that talks, nano-labels, and of course the telephone will ring. 

A Map of Volcanoes on Venus

Two planetary scientists from Washington University in St. Louis used radar data from NASA’s Magellan mission to create a map of volcanoes on Venus. There are a staggering 85,000 of them. Press release here, paper here, database here.

Methane Just Got More Complicated

Methane is a greenhouse gas, right? Yes, right. But a new study now argues that methane also leads to the creation of clouds, and that process offsets a small part of the heating from the methane. This finding needs to be confirmed by other studies, but it highlights that climate science is far from done and dusted. Press release here, paper here.

For this week’s video, I looked into whether dopamine fasting or dopamine detox has a scientific basis. The short answer is “no”, but that’s not the whole story. It seems that some people are more susceptible to developing social media use problems than others.

There is a new 5th Patreon tier that’ll give you access to our videos ad-free and without sponsor messages, as well as access to certain new videos early.
